A couple of updates...

Aris Groups (just below the blog header)
As far as I know, there is still no official fan club for Aris. However, I found two profiles on Facebook and Friendster dedicated to him (they're not made by me by the way). I really, really hope one of them will grow and become some sort of official fan club for Aris, so please support them guys and gals!

Media (on the right panel -->)
I will put download links to Aris audio and video files here. All the files are currently from my collection (shamelessly stolen from Youtube and other sites :P), but please let me know if you know of any better quality audio/video. I may also add a few mirrors for the downloads if the current sites are too slow, so let me know too if you know any good file hosting site.


Anonymous said...

mm,,untuk yg punya ni blog lagi
*nickname lw ap c,biar gmpng manggilny haha*

eh..lihadlah k yahoo.com
terus ketik "januarisman"
terus liad deh..
ini blog da mentereng di posisi 1 di searchengine nya..

bahkan ngalain ratingny officialwebsite dari indonesianidol dll..

jadi..teruslah update aris y..
biar ntar kalau ada official websiteny..
tetep update terus..
g jg da bantu menyebarkan ini blognya sekuat g..

siapa tau klo ini blog da famous bngd,,trus lw dikasi reward krn da buat ini blog..atau apalah sesuatu hal yg ajaib bisa berasal dari ni aris blog kan//
siapa tau kan?

g dukung lw sbg pembuat ni blog


Anonymous said...

bangga kan lw di searchengine no 1 !!!
g yakinini blog pasti akan sangat famous..pasti..
kali lw dipanggil masuk media gmn atas pembuatan ini blog..

Anonymous said...

gimana kalo kita manggil elo 'simply' hehehehe, ngasal banget ya gw?

BTW, kemaren gw baca tuh berita tentang si Januarisman, di sini nih: http://www.tribunjabar.co.id/artikel_view.php?id=7541&kategori=21

Simply Januarisman said...

@a1712: wah gua jadi beken nih! Hahaha... thanks ya, soal reward sih, Aris masuk Top4 aja gua puas deh, kalo bisa juara 1 :P

@emma: 'simply' ok kok! Thanks buat linknya, bisa dipost nih...

Anonymous said...

Ternyata dapet juga blogger yang tulis tentang aris.

Aris is the best

Simply Januarisman said...

@aris: wah bikin blog Aris juga nih? Hahaha keep it up ya, gua udah add linknya tuh...

Anonymous said...

temen2 buat semua pendukung Aris, gabung yux di Milis aris_idol2008..disini kalian bisa tuker informasi, cerita, foto2, video atopapun tentang aris,,,aq tunggu ya,,,ayo sama2 dukung aris,,oiy sebelum bikin milis ini aq udah bilang sama istrinya aris,,nanti aq kasih deh foto2 aris sama anak dan istrinya juga,,,aq tunggu ya,,biar rame nih milis nya...
ni alamatnya...http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aris_idol2008
thx ya,,