All about Top 24

Edit#1: updated pictures and profiles for Patudu, Thefanie, Jandri, Elizabeth, Hatna.
Edit#2: added three more Top 24 (credit to Idolz).
Edit#3: updated after Elimination episode.

Source: Official Indonesian Idol Forum

Top 24 contestants whose auditions were shown (in the order they were shown):

1. Yuka Kharisma (20, Medan, Youtube)
Sang I'm Sorry Goodbye on her audition.
2. Nur Ikwantoko (24, Malang, Youtube)
The guy who sang Aremania.

3. Patudu Syammayim HM (19, Semarang, Youtube, Friendster)
Sang Crazy Little Thing Called Love, was judged by Hady Mirza.
4. TH Endah Paniwulan (25, Yogyakarta)
The girl whose brother was shot dead by police, sang Ten 2 Five.

5. Obet JR Habibu (24, Ambon)
Victim of riot in Ambon, sang Kamulah Satu Satunya.
6. Gisella Anastasia (17, Surabaya, Youtube, Friendster)
Cute girl with crown, sang Ratu Sejagat.

7. Guido Firdaus Hutagalung (23, Medan, Youtube)
Punk rocker.
8. Dede Richo (18, Medan, Youtube)
Street busker, sang Yogyakarta, was given money by Nugie.

9. Thefanie Florina (19, Malang, Youtube, Friendster)
Actually, her audition was never shown, but she was shown for a very brief period at the very beginning of the second episode singing Tanah Airku.
10. Jandri Fenly Makaruwung (26, Manado, Youtube)
The good looking odd-job worker.

11. Elizabeth Putri Estrya (20, Bandung, Youtube)
Anang asked her to sing upbeat song while dancing.
12. Kunto Aji Wibisono (21, Yogyakarta, Youtube)
Big curly hair, sang a jazzy song.

13. Twenty Sriwulan (18, Bandung, Youtube, Friendster)
Girl who goes to school in the morning and sings at cafes until late at night.
14. Agatha Nurdiana (19, Jakarta, Youtube)
The karate girl, sang I'm Sorry Goodbye.

15. Dyna Fransisca (17, Palembang, Youtube)
Girl whose father is missing and whose mother is in jail.
16. Januarisman (20, Jakarta, Youtube)
ST12 guy!

Top 24 contestants whose auditions were never shown:

17. Chandra Jananer Singkoh (18, Surabaya)
Attending UK Petra (same as Fandy from II4).
18. Reny Dara Agustin (20, Jakarta)

19. Safira Rachma Rizkika (17, Madiun)
20. Hatna Danarda (19, Madiun, Youtube)
Got fifth position in Pemilihan Bintang Televisi 2007, from which he was given a role in sinetron Cinta Fitri.

21. Indra Cipta Gunadi (28, Yogyakarta, Youtube)
22. Mario Octapianus (24, Palembang, Youtube)

23. Dela Setia Kusumawati (25, Jakarta, Youtube)
24. Irene Karompis
(21, Jakarta, Youtube)


Anonymous said...

elizabeth yg ini bukan?

Anonymous said...

If I'm not wrong Jandri and ELizabeth's auditions were shown on episode 2.

Jandri is the guy from Manado ELizabeth is from Bandung.

Simply Januarisman said...

Ooo iya yah, ntar gw coba liat lagi deh. skr lagi ngantor nih, hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Patudu Manik ada th di audisi Indonesian Idol episode 1 part 4 menit ke 5:14..
smoga bermanfaat!!

Anonymous said...

Hanarda is supposedly Hatna Danarda from Madiun.

Simply Januarisman said...

Thx ya, Hanarda udah saya update, saya tambah dikit info hasil Google nama dia :P

Anonymous said...

19. Indra
20. Mario Octavianus
21. Della Setia

Simply Januarisman said...

Thanks ya... mas Idolz ini emang jagonya deh kalo soal spoiler!

Anonymous said...

Itu tolong diralat harusnya Dara

Simply Januarisman said...

Oh gw kira Larastuti Dwi Oktaviani itu Dara, bukan ya... ya wis gw rubah. Thanks ya...

Anonymous said...

Ayu Gardianti Putri (16231) should be in Top 24. She got mark no. 4 in the Elimination episode.

Simply Januarisman said...

Itu memang rada bingung sih, pas nyanyi dikasih liat Mario, tapi pas keluar yang dikasih nomer Ayu. Gw masukin Mario soalnya kalo Ayu, jadinya ada 13 ce-nya. Yah liat aja nanti deh.