A couple of updates...

Aris Groups (just below the blog header)
As far as I know, there is still no official fan club for Aris. However, I found two profiles on Facebook and Friendster dedicated to him (they're not made by me by the way). I really, really hope one of them will grow and become some sort of official fan club for Aris, so please support them guys and gals!

Media (on the right panel -->)
I will put download links to Aris audio and video files here. All the files are currently from my collection (shamelessly stolen from Youtube and other sites :P), but please let me know if you know of any better quality audio/video. I may also add a few mirrors for the downloads if the current sites are too slow, so let me know too if you know any good file hosting site.

Cool Aris banner!

Thanks to shinsaga2 from Kaskus for the cool banner!

Indonesian Idol 2008 Workshop 2: Top 12 Boys

Theme: Aku dan Musikku

Aris did a great job!
Video: Youtube
Media downloads: http://januarisman.4shared.com
(Thanks to www.allaboutidolshows.com)

Four boys are eliminated:

Indonesian Idol 2008 Workshop 1: Top 12 girls

Theme: Aku dan Musikku (huh?)

Four girls are eliminated:


Aris' profile

Aris' profile from the Official Indonesian Idol website:

Januarisman (Aris)

Jakarta, 25 Januari 1985

Aris berprofesi sebagai seorang pengamen di kereta listrik Jabotabek dan Terminal Kampung Melayu. Sehari-hari, Aris berangkat menuju tempatnya mulai mengamen sekitar pukul 1 siang dan baru pulang pukul 9 malam. Diam-diam keberangkatan Aris ke ajang Indonesian Idol tak direstui sang istri yang merasa takut jika nantinya terkenal, Aris akan selingkuh dan meninggalkan dirinya. Sebenarnya Aris hanya ingin memberikan yang terbaik bagi ketiga juri. Karena menurut Aris, mereka lah yang memberikan kesempatan seutuhnya bagi dirinya untuk bisa sampai ke tahap ini. Ia ingin menang agar bisa membuktikan dan membahagiakan anak-istrinya.

Pengalaman paling tak terlupa dalam hidupnya, selain tercebur ke kali, adalah ketika ayahnya berhenti bekerja dan kehidupan ekonomi keluarganya morat-marit. Terpaksa Aris berhenti sekolah dan terlempar ke jalanan. Untuk sekarang, idolanya adalah seorang Hady Mirza yang diaku memiliki performance yang luar biasa dan sangat tampan.

Uniknya, Aris yang memiliki penyakit asma ini malah merasa sehat karena merokok. Kalau sedang sibuk ngamen, ia jarang makan dan istirahat maka satu-satunya hal yang dilakukan adalah merokok terus.

All the best Aris!

Aris is in the Top 24!

But of course we have known that all along, havent we ;)

I am actually kinda disappointed with this Elimination episode. First reason why, Aris was only shown singing for a brief period, and even then it's in the group segment, where his voice did not match the other two's. Second, the editing in this episode is very messy; there is no clear separation between the stages that the contestants must have gone through, and everything just seems to have been mashed up together without any concept. Third, the episode really does a poor job in building up anticipation for the workshop round. I don't recall seeing any standout performances in this episode, and this leaves me wondering whether these 24 contestants are really the best in Indonesia. Fourth, based on this episode, it seems that drama still prevails over talent in II. Case in point: Nansi. I don't think her last performance was bad, in fact I like it, so I was flabbergasted when the judges blabbered some weak excuses about her last performance being such an abomination that it killed kittens etc2, and that because of that they have decided to send her home! Cutting Nansi off like that just for the sake of drama is cruel and in poor taste. And I also think Ivan (the big feminine guy) is actually better than some of the guys they let through.

Oh well, what the heck, Aris is in top 24!

Januarisman audition - full version!

Dunno how the poster managed to get this, but this is the full version of Januarisman's audition. Must see!
Track list:
1. Rasa Yang Tertinggal (ST12)
2. Rahasia Cinta (Kerispatih)
3. Akhir Cerita Cinta (Glenn Fredly)

Media downloads: http://januarisman.4shared.com

Januarisman sightings!

Edit: added one more sighting!

I was really bored at work today, so I spent a couple of hours reading blog posts about Januarisman ^^ Even more fun was reading some comments from people who claimed to have met him before, usually when Aris was singing on KRL trains. Here are some of the comments:

Note: like anything on the Internet, there is no way to verify the validity of these comments, so take them with a grain of salt!

"Tadi pagi di kereta ada pengamen yang nyanyi lagu ini [Yovie & Nuno's Menjaga Hati - red]. Bagus banget suaranya. Aku sampai sempat berpikir, kalau saja pengamen ini beruntung dan mendapat kesempatan untuk jadi penyanyi profesional, pasti bakal bagus banget deh jadinya..hehe..." (source)

"aris ini adalah pengamen temen gw di kampung melayu dulu. sejak dulu gw selalu bilang sama dia kalau one day dia harus coba untuk nge band or somethin. pas jumat kemarin gw liat di indonesian idol.. gw sampe mau nangis. dan anak ini baik banget. bener2 baik. pengamen kampung melayu yang sopan banget... mudah2an dia bisa menang..." (source)

"Oui Younie, gw sering denger dia tuh sama temen2nya ngamen di kreta. Kalau ga salah dia mangkal di stasiun Cipinang (deket rumah Cyren tuh ^^)" (source)

"Gile tu orang, masuk Indonesia Idol dan lulus pula untuk ke babak eliminasi, dulu aku pernah kagum ama dia, dia suka ngamen di rel kereta, secara aku dulu pengguna KRL Jakarta depok, aku inget banget kalo dia nyanyi aku ngasi duit srebuan,, memang sih, aku ketemunya cuman 1 atau 2 kali, tapi aku inget banget tampang dan suaranya nya, dan geng nya kalo nongkrong di kereta jadinya selalu inget… dari dalam hati ni orang kalau rekaman pasti keren…. eh tau taunya aku ngeliat dia lagi audisi di Indonesian Idol, gila, audisinya dia bernyanyi pake guitar, Titi DJ aja sampe menangis, Nugie merinding…." (source)

"Istri gue juga ternyata pernah ngeliat ni anak, katanya ngamen banyakan ada yang pake bass gede. Eh ternyata bener kan dia (aris.red) itu yang ngamen di kereta. Mang kata istri gue juga itu bagus banget suaranya. Suaranya bener2 keluar dari dalem hati. Gue berharap dia bisa jadi the next Indonesian Idol. Semoga dia ga kalah SMS dah, semoga juga semua orang di indonesia mendukung dia karena kualitas suaranya." (source)


Who is Januarisman? Simply put, he might be the biggest sensation to ever come out from Indonesian Idol. He was first shown to public singing 'Rasa Yang Tertinggal', a song by ST12, in a teaser advertising the fifth season of Indonesian Idol:

With the short snippet, Indonesian Idol producers have managed to capture interest by combining superlative singing and suspense (he was shown for not more than twenty seconds, and no other information was given about him). Who is this guy that made Titi DJ cry, and compelled other judges to click their tongue in adoration? Idol fans began to speculate about his identity. Some even claimed that he was actually ST12 lead singer himself, noting the similar earring and facial features. Is he?

Unfortunately the question was still unanswered by the end of II5's first episode, shown on 4 April. Here the mystery person appeared only briefly at the end, in the teaser for the next audition episode. Indeed, II producers seemed to be saving their ace card until the very last moment. He was finally revealed at the second (and final) audition episode, and he was the very last contestant to be shown. By then, hype and expectation have mounted. This kind of promotion and buildup for a contestant is unprecedented in any Indonesian Idol seasons. Can he meet the expectations, or will he turn out to be ordinary, disappointing eager fans?

Fans finally learned who he is, that he is a twenty year old busker who live a hard life singing on Jakarta trains with his friends, in order to feed his wife and baby son. More importantly, viewers finally got to see his full audition, where he sang a killer version of ST12 song and another song where he sang without his guitar. All the judges worshipped him, though Indra Lesmana observed that he lacked something without his guitar.

Viewers' response has been nothing short of phenomenal. Within two days, his audition video has had more than 8,000 views on Youtube, where the video has also managed to crack into Most Discussed, Most Viewed, Top Favorites, and Top Rated honors. Tens of blog posts have been made about his audition, hundreds of forum posts have appeared discussing him, and interest in the ST12 song suddenly shot through the roof.

What's next for Januarisman?

All about Top 24

Edit#1: updated pictures and profiles for Patudu, Thefanie, Jandri, Elizabeth, Hatna.
Edit#2: added three more Top 24 (credit to Idolz).
Edit#3: updated after Elimination episode.

Source: Official Indonesian Idol Forum

Top 24 contestants whose auditions were shown (in the order they were shown):

1. Yuka Kharisma (20, Medan, Youtube)
Sang I'm Sorry Goodbye on her audition.
2. Nur Ikwantoko (24, Malang, Youtube)
The guy who sang Aremania.

3. Patudu Syammayim HM (19, Semarang, Youtube, Friendster)
Sang Crazy Little Thing Called Love, was judged by Hady Mirza.
4. TH Endah Paniwulan (25, Yogyakarta)
The girl whose brother was shot dead by police, sang Ten 2 Five.

5. Obet JR Habibu (24, Ambon)
Victim of riot in Ambon, sang Kamulah Satu Satunya.
6. Gisella Anastasia (17, Surabaya, Youtube, Friendster)
Cute girl with crown, sang Ratu Sejagat.

7. Guido Firdaus Hutagalung (23, Medan, Youtube)
Punk rocker.
8. Dede Richo (18, Medan, Youtube)
Street busker, sang Yogyakarta, was given money by Nugie.

9. Thefanie Florina (19, Malang, Youtube, Friendster)
Actually, her audition was never shown, but she was shown for a very brief period at the very beginning of the second episode singing Tanah Airku.
10. Jandri Fenly Makaruwung (26, Manado, Youtube)
The good looking odd-job worker.

11. Elizabeth Putri Estrya (20, Bandung, Youtube)
Anang asked her to sing upbeat song while dancing.
12. Kunto Aji Wibisono (21, Yogyakarta, Youtube)
Big curly hair, sang a jazzy song.

13. Twenty Sriwulan (18, Bandung, Youtube, Friendster)
Girl who goes to school in the morning and sings at cafes until late at night.
14. Agatha Nurdiana (19, Jakarta, Youtube)
The karate girl, sang I'm Sorry Goodbye.

15. Dyna Fransisca (17, Palembang, Youtube)
Girl whose father is missing and whose mother is in jail.
16. Januarisman (20, Jakarta, Youtube)
ST12 guy!

Top 24 contestants whose auditions were never shown:

17. Chandra Jananer Singkoh (18, Surabaya)
Attending UK Petra (same as Fandy from II4).
18. Reny Dara Agustin (20, Jakarta)

19. Safira Rachma Rizkika (17, Madiun)
20. Hatna Danarda (19, Madiun, Youtube)
Got fifth position in Pemilihan Bintang Televisi 2007, from which he was given a role in sinetron Cinta Fitri.

21. Indra Cipta Gunadi (28, Yogyakarta, Youtube)
22. Mario Octapianus (24, Palembang, Youtube)

23. Dela Setia Kusumawati (25, Jakarta, Youtube)
24. Irene Karompis
(21, Jakarta, Youtube)