Idol's Vectorize

Hehehe... I'm here to help Simply maintain this blog. Kalo kalo ngambek lagi gara-gara Performancenya Aris jelek... =p Kadang g juga suka begitu, tapi berhubung demen ngeblog, jadi g pasti baka terus posting...hihihi... Here's some Vectorize Idol's Picture that I found on IndonesianIdol forum. Maybe some of you already see it? Well, enjoy then! //beE

*Ga semuanya ada...
*Aris ga ada mirip2nya -_-""


Simply Januarisman said...

Wah bee cepet nih beraksi... hahaha thanks berat udah mao bantu, jadi keliatan lebih ok deh blognya sekarang!

Anonymous said...

@Bee thanks yuP!!

Kata Nugie "SeGerrr!!!" :P

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha gambarnya lutu-lutu....
mukanya mirip2 semua, cuma beda di gaya rambut & aksesoris..
Dan Gambar Arisnya.. koq kecakepan yah...:-D
But good good, salut atas kreatifitasnya..